
Marriage is the secure institution for the perpetuation of the species and also for maintaining the property granting rights. Arranged marriages are the centuries old tradition dating back to the fourth century. The culture of arranged marriage is considered as a foundation stone of the Indian marriage system. In ancient times, the marriages often took place at the time when bride and groom were in their adolescence age. The boy’s parents searched for a suitable girl with the help of middlemen and approached the girl’s parents with proposition. The middlemen or negotiator suggested suitable date and hour of marriage according to the birth charts of the couple. In that era, generally marriages took place at the hometown of the girl and bride’s family acts as a host for the groom’s family.

The right of selecting bride and groom for both men and women has gone through a period of transition due to social changes, wars, diversity in cultures etc. Later on marriages has turned into materialistic deals with the rise of dowry system. The dignity of women was lost and she became just another commodity to be exchanged in lieu of social and moral burden on her family.
It was a common belief that the women has to stay with grooms family after marriage. Groom was supposed to look after the needs of the bride for the rest of the life.The selection of the couple was generally based on Shastric ideas, according to which, the bride’s parents not only searched for good deeds in the boy but also considered his family, education, social behavior, etc. The custom of Indian marriage has gone through tremendous change, but the essence of this tradition is still the same. This sacred institution is made for binding the two souls together for the life time.


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